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The Mystery of the Sticks

I always wondered what they are good for. Now I know: They are used to align the trucks.

The cab of the Crawler Transporter

A lot of things have been added and changed since the sixties, like the new cab and the cable tray on its bottom. In the background you see the LUT for the Constellation program.

Crawler Transporter #1

After ten years of modeling, standing in front of the real thing is a feeling hard to describe. You might think of meeting an old friend, in new clothes, but still the same good old soul.

The time for dreams coming true normally lirks around X-mas or similar occasions. Dreams of your life getting true, however, come unexpected and without warning.

Name wall at the VAB

Here you can sign the wall of the VAB. Truly a big thing to put your name on!

The Mobile Launcher Platform

Like the Crawler Transporters, it stems from the days of the moon landing program. The LUT was removed, and two additional openings for the boosters added.On the floor you can see the Crawler way.

Discovery hidden in the side bay of the VAB

Yes. It’s the Discovery. All you can see is the external fuel tank, and the MLP. The orbiter and the boosters are hidden behind an iron spider web.

Close up of external fuel tank

Getting so close to real space hardware, that you are used to know from TV only, has a sense of unreal fantasy and total excitement.

Endeavour’s External Fuel Tank

It had just arrived a few days before and was about to be erected. However, the horizontal position makes it even more impressive.

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