The LUT model

Service Arm 3 - S-II AFT

Yes, the LUT becomes more and more similar to the original, here together with the real thing - the perspective is not quite right, but it is sufficient for a rough comparison.

Service Arm #4 - S-II Intermediate

And NASA said: Let us create a swing arm, more beautiful and more glorious than all the others, with pipes, wires and cables, that it may feed the second stage and be well pleased by it.

Stage II connected to the LUT

as a little Easter surprise a sneak preview of the Saturn V model, a teaser so to speak.

Service arms #5 and #6 - inner view

... only three left. A new swing arm - Service Arm #5, commonly known as SII FWD - is now part of the neverending story.

Side 3 Level 220 - 260

So here is the somewhat late New Year update - 2016 was professionally a bit demanding and for me connected with the construction of a breast center at our clinic, which melted the available leisure time like a lukewarm aperitif the ice cubes.

Service Arm #6 - S-IVb AFT

Here is the latest creation - Service Arm #6, popularly called S-IVb AFT, because it connected to the anus of the third stage S-IVb

Top Levels

Once again time for a *uhm* - delayed - holiday update. And instead of many words once a picture

Top Levels

Yes, I still exist. And the LUT thrives slowly, but steadily. So after two swing arms I felt like something else.

Cape Canaveral

Second help, house style. Somehow it was time to put the project on a solid foundation.

Command Module Service Arm

The 45th anniversary of the moon landing pulled me to Rhino again, and at the request of a LUT hobbyist I took the S-IVb Forward Service Arm - the swing arm #7 - into my sights

Command Module Service Arm

.... whereby I will also partly use the laser cut parts to test their processibility

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